"A United Methodist Congregation"
Campus Drive Community Church


Flower Ministry
The mission of the Flower Ministry is to beautify the church sanctuary by providing fresh alter flowers during the Sunday morning worship service. To launch this project volunteers are needed to sponsor one or more Sundays during the upcoming months.  The financial obligation for each Sunday is $68, which includes two large floral arrangements (florist's choice) and a delivery fee.  Special requests may be slightly higher.

This is the perfect opportunity to honor and/or memorialize a loved one, recognize a special event or celebrate a special holiday.

One or more individuals, a family or a church organization can choose to sponsor a Sunday or even an entire month.  Flowers may be taken home after the service or donated to one of our sick and/or shut-ins.  Payments for alter flowers should be included in the offering envelope as 'other'.

For more information or to sign up to be an altar flowers volunteer, please contact the church office.
